May 30, 2007

surely there are more important things to worry about

everyone knows the burger king bikini girls are stupid.
the ads are dumb and they have nothing to do with eating greasy grilled burgers loaded with carbohydrates and fat.
no you will not look like a burger king bikini girl if you eat this food.
neither will you be fabulous and have a lot of friends.

but to complain that your kids shouldnt have to watch them?
some weiner lodged a complaint with the broadcasting standards authority as their child saw it during home and away. someone should call child services on their ass for letting their kids watch home and away for starters.

get your kids asses off the couch and down to the tennis court. or football field. whatever.

new zealanders have differing views on the subject but there seems to be more people up and arms against the ads. the new zealand herald ran a submit your views link - interesting. i wonder if these moms are the same ones that let their 7 year olds walk around looking like britney spears but wont turn off the tv.

the ads probably would have lasted longer here - and had a better response by males and females - if they were slightly more humourous like the tui ads.
america gets the burger king king. we're a lot more funny than that. so come on ad men (yes we know youre all men) give us something tongue in cheek. pardon the pun.

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