November 21, 2006

staring out of windows

'i finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it'
-- rita mae brown

i have a new job.

well not a new new job.

i have been in my new job for about 6 months now. but i was in my old job 5 and a half years.
so you can see why this one is new.
not only is it new, but if my old job had a stress and responsibility level of 6 then this one is about a 0. a big fat round zero.
and its not for lack of trying. but hey - i am a contractor now. and its not really my responsibility to find the work - just to do it when it comes in.
the money is good, although some days i am really tempted to call in sick and race off all over the country spending my squillions on doing really cool things, and a lot of shopping!

speaking of doing really cool things .......
i learnt to dive. yes, me.
the original whale. oh yea.
at one stage (my near heaviest) i was 147kg. i say near heaviest as i stopped weighing myself after that. but i seem to remember buying another pair of trousers. a larger pair.
my friend nell. shes the greatest. shes been instrumental in getting me off the couch and out of the house this year. and guess what. now i weigh 95kgs. and i'm closer to my goal than my starting weight. go me!
so anyways, back to the cool stuff. we went to fiji. for a week. and it was warm and sunny.
i was petrified. actually of more than just the diving. but i did it. and it was amazing. we wanted to go back about a month later. but we were too scared to ask our bosses straight out for more time off (shes a contractor too - for the same company). and the bloody fijian military thought they might kick up a stink and it looked like they were going to have a coup.

so the moral of this story?
dont work for a huge corporate and get paid like a minion.
leave. become self employed. make loads of money.
and travel the world freaking yourself out and doing things you never thought you would.

believe me, its more fun than staring out a window.

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